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The Westbury

Pretty Landscaping along sidewalk behind 869 and side of 20.jpg 2014-5-24-21:56:16

Lobby Side View 2 Meg.jpg

Side Landscaping 869 2 Meg.jpg

Pretty Landscaping along sidewalk behind 869 and side of 20.jpg 2014-5-24-21:56:16
Realtor Resources
This property is professionally managed by Imagineers, LLC.
Contact them at: 203-463-3233 (Access questions/lockbox locations)
Need a resale certificate or mortgage questionnaire completed?
Contact our bookkeeper at 860-839-1853
If you will be showing a property, please note that each of the three main buildings have a special aluminum box with the inscription "Realtor Lock Boxes" to store your lock box in. They are located in the vestibule leading to the main lobby in each building. Please do not hang lock boxes in any other location on the property. Improperly stored lock boxes will be removed by Management, costing time and potentially damaging our property. Thank you for your cooperation.
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